Videos with Spanish captions
Let’s get children active! We’ve created these videos to show you how.
Adventurous play (Spanish captions)
Active engaged ECEs support adventurous play for infants and preschoolers.
Indoor obstacle course (Spanish captions)
Children work through an obstacle course based on a story they have read.
Loose parts play outdoors (Spanish captions)
Examples of outdoor loose parts play and the roles ECEs take during this play.
Mud kitchen (Spanish captions)
Dirt and water encourage imagination, social play, and problem solving.
Nature play in urban spaces (Spanish captions)
Play in natural places benefits everyone, especially ECEs!
Pop up playground (Spanish captions)
No fixed play structures; instead, loose parts, creativity, and fun.
Locomotion and agility (Spanish captions)
Help support self-regulation in small spaces using simple equipment.
Infant’s first movements (Spanish captions)
Songs, rhymes, and simple toys encourage infants’ first movements.
Object manipulation (Spanish captions)
Throwing, catching, rolling, striking, and kicking indoors.
Object manipulation – ball play (Spanish captions)
Develop ball skills indoors with infants and toddlers.
Balance and stability (Spanish captions)
Develop a crucial fundamental movement skill starting with infants.
Northern Indigenous games (Spanish captions)
Promote the health of body, mind, heart, and spirit through traditional games.
Outdoor play in winter (Spanish captions)
Structured and unstructured activities keep children and ECEs moving and warm.

Spanish posters
Spread the word about active play! We’ve created these posters for you to print and share.